Countless studies demonstrate the strong correlation between inclusion and diversity and business performance. Inclusion and diversity improve financial performance, customer service, decision making, engagement, productivity and innovation. For example, a McKinsey study showed that ethnically diverse companies are 35 percent more likely to outperform financially. According to Catalyst, companies with more women in leadership positions are 34 percent more profitable. Yet, few business leaders and managers are prepared to lead diverse teams and manage effectively human differences. An Oxford Economics survey showed that only 28 percent of global executives think their leaders are prepared to lead a diverse workforce.
Inclusive leaders reach their goals more easily, because they are able to attract, inspire and influence people of all genders and ages, with different cultures, abilities, and lifestyles. This is a key skill in the 21st Century.
This pioneering online conference provides business leaders, diversity practitioners and human resources professionals with practical advice to lead successfully diverse teams and increase team performance.
I created this event because I’m passionate about building a more inclusive business world, where people feel free to be themselves, and give their best, no matter how different they are. And I believe business leaders play a key role in making this happen.
Buy your online conference box-set and listen to all the 24 inspiring video interviews at your leisure, whenever and wherever you want.
Please note that there are 2 versions of the conference online box-set: one for your individual users only and another for groups of people.